Tuesday, February 25, 2014


When we moved in to the forest, we inherited a gazillion cats.  Okay, not a gazillion, but waaaaay too many for us to handle.  With the help of Craigslist and a bunch of people from animal rescue places, we have decreased our cat population to nine (9).  We have ensured they are all "fixed" (spayed or neutered" and they all have a clean bill of health from a vet.  Through no fault of their own they were abandoned at the property and now they are deserving of love from a family.  Would you consider adopting one or helping us find a home for them?  The animal rescue places define "adoptable" as able to approach the animal and pick it up.  Well, we have been working hard at that by hand feeding them and they are approaching us more and more each day.  The ones who are left are still not allowing us to pick them up, but they are all nice cats. If we take them somewhere, they will be euthanized.  Help us prevent this by taking them in as your own or finding someone who will.  Thank you so much!!!!

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