Friday, June 28, 2013

Welcome to the Enchanted Forest

          Why “The Enchanted Forest? Like most people, Jacques and I want to believe in magic.  Not the kind of magic you get from pulling a rabbit out of a hat, but the kind that bring miracles, healings and life-after-death-like magic.  So, like most people, we sought our magic.  I went to church.  Jacques looked elsewhere.  We searched for spiritual and mystical experiences.   Like most people, we wanted something beyond this ordinary life.  We wanted the rare, the supernatural, the otherworldly.  Like most people, when we were searching for that, we were missing what IS.
          Those of us who have reached a certain level of awareness have realized that there is fallacy in separation.  We are One.  We also need to realize the fallacy in separating the miraculous from the ordinary.  Our ordinary, everyday, present experience IS the miracle, the MAGIC. 
          We have named the place where we live the Enchanted Forest because we want to constantly remind ourselves of the magic we are surrounded with.  Our current language of separation confuses us and we believe humans need to disentangle ourselves from that language that continues this separation.  It is not us and them.  It is not the miraculous or the ordinary.  It is We.  It is Magic.

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